Book Tags

BOOK TAG: Stay At Home

Hey everyone! Today I’m *finally* doing the stay at home book tag. Thank you so much to Azrah from Az You Read, Ellie from Eleanor Sophie Writes and Sofi from A Book A Thought for tagging me!

Before starting, I want to do a quick reflection on what these months of quarantine have been for me. I definitely have read more than usual, doing as much as 11 books a month in my best reading month since I have lots of free time. I have also seen that some of you haven’t felt the motivation to read, and some might even be reading less, but that’s totally okay. Everyone is coping in the way they can, and please don’t feel bad for reading less despite having more free time. Mental and physical health will always, always, come first.

Okay, after that little ted talk, let’s start with the questions!

Laying in bed: A book you read in one day

Other Words For Home by Jasmine Warga – This is a beautiful Middle Grade and novel-in-verse about a Muslim girl that moves to the US from her native country to escape the horrible bombings happening there. It addresses not only immigration, but xenophobe and race issues. I highly recommend this one.

4Snacking – A book that is a “guilty pleasure” to read

I don’t consider any of the books I read guilty pleasures… except for the smutty ones, lol. I don’t have one in particular, though.

Netflix – A series that you want to start

You’re going to think I’m a cavewoman but I haven’t seen series in ages so I’m not very updated on these things…

Deep clean – A book that has been on your TBR for ages

Cinder by Marissa Meyer – I have this book since probably 2016 and haven’t read it. I love retellings but since I’m not a sci-fi fan, I’ve been holding back.

Animal Crossing – A book you recently bought because of the cover

Daughters of Nri by Reni K Amayo – Have you SEEN that cover??? It’s honey for the eyes.

Productivity – A book you learned from or had an impact on you

With The Fire On High by Elizabeth Acevedo – This book made me learn a lot about what being a teen mom might be like. It really gives you an insight on the sacrifices you have to make for your child, how people look down on you for giving birth being so young, etc.

Facetime – A book you were gifted

Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas – My parents gave me this one earlier this year. I cannot stress enough that you need to read this series ASAP.

Self-care – What is one thing you have done recently to look after yourself?

I took so long thinking about what to answer that I realize now that I need to practice more self-care. I’ll go with cooking because it’s something that makes me feel happy and less stressed, and I can take my mind off things that upset me.

BONUS – An upcoming release you are looking forward to

The Love Curse of Melody McIntyre by Robin Talley – This book is coming out on December 1st, and the premise of the book sounds like something I’d love. As you can see in Goodreads, this book promises a “secret rendezvous, deadly stage props, and a wealth pining from afar” plus it’s an #OwnVoices LGBT book so make sure to check it out!

Three of my favorite posts


That’s all for this post! I hope you liked it. What have you been doing in quarantine? Have you read more or less during these times? Let me know in the comments!

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19 thoughts on “BOOK TAG: Stay At Home”

  1. I’ve definitely also been reading more than usual! I just finished my Eng Lit degree and because I had to read so much for uni I never really had much inclination to read for fun but I’ve read so much in quarantine which I’m so happy about! Aside from that it’s been a lot of walking round my local area and things like gaming and baking and video calling people! ☺️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Congrats on finishing your degree! I’d really like to learn how to bake sometime in the future😁
      I haven’t been able to walk around the street that much since quarantine began because it’s more a risk than anything, since the streets are very crowded where I live. But I’ve been trying to make the most of my time here at home🙆🏻‍♀️


      1. That’s a shame! I live in a village so it’s not too busy to go out, a few country paths to go down which we’re really lucky to have!

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  2. This is a fun tag and I think I want to do it! Other Words For Home sounds amazing already and I’m glad you enjoyed it! I can’t wait to read it too. Also, yes, With the Fire on High made me realize how hard the life of a teenage mom can be, and I loved reading it because Emoni and Buela are such amazing strong women and it was pretty inspiring. I’ve also been doing a lot more cooking and baking during quarantine (haven’t baked in a while tho, sigh) so it’s super exciting to see other bloggers also mention more cooking and baking! What’s your favorite thing to cook? ❤✨

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Other Words For Home is definitely a great book! I loved the way it was written and how the pages fly by, I read it in an afternoon even when I’m kind of a slow reader. I totally agree with you on With The Fire On High, love to see the strong women on that book! Even Babygirl has a great personality.
      My favorite thing to cook I’d say are desserts, typical food from my country and pancakes because who doesn’t love pancakes? 😅 hopefully i can learn to bake sometime in the future!

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  3. the cover of Daughters of Nri is so beautiful, definitely one of the best out there, its been on my tbr for a while so I need to read it soon! I’ve kind of been rewatching the same Netflix series over and over and I cant bring myself to start a new one 😂 but I did watch The Half of It and I am OBSESSED with that movie, I watched it twice on the same day lol its so good 💞 I’ve been reading a lot more these past couple of months too which is really refreshing, though I have slowed down because I’ve been studying as well which is kind of annoying but. life I guess 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope we can both read Daughters of Nri soon! It seems like an amazing book. I’ve seen The Half Of It a lot on my Twitter feed and it seems like a great movie, so I’ll have to check it out soon!
      I’ve also been online studying during quarantine but it’s been a lot less work than actually going to class like usual, so it’s given me lots of free time to read😊


  4. I love the Throne of Glass series, and Cinder/The Lunar Chronicles. I love retellings but I don’t read much sci-fi either but I really loved it!


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